Persiapan Data Pelaku Usaha
Preparation of Businesses Data
Sebelum mendaftar ke website SIHALAL, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu
Before registering on the SIHALAL website, there are several things that need to be considered, namely:
1. Pelaku Usaha sudah memiliki NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha), jika belum dapat mendaftar melalui OSS di
The business operators already have a NIB (Business Identification Number). If not, they can register through the OSS at
2. Pelaku Usaha sudah memiliki Penyelia Halal sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku (Undang-Undang No. 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halal)
The business operators already have a Halal Supervisor in accordance with the applicable regulations (Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance)
*Penyelia Halal adalah orang yang bertanggung jawab terhadap Proses Produk Halal (PPH)
The Halal Supervisor is the person responsible for the Halal Product Process (PPH)