LPH Global Halal Indonesia
Senin-Jumat 09.00-17.00
We are an institution operating in the field of Halal Product Inspection. LPH Global Halal Indonesia collaborates directly with BPJPH and MUI in the Halal Certification process of a product. LPH Global Halal Indonesia is committed to becoming a halal inspection institution in Indonesia and globally by providing the best and trustworthy service quality as well as accurate and timely inspection and testing results.
LPH GHI is ready to help business actors to obtain a halal certificate issued by BPJPH
Submitting applications and uploading documents to SiHalal
Checking business documents
Inspection of halal product processes directly to business actors
Conducting halal fatwa sessions according to recommendations from LPH GHI
Issuing halal certificate as a result of MUI halal certification.
(South Tangerang, 31/07/2024), As a testing laboratory that implements quality
(Tangerang Selatan, 14/07/2024) Sebagai Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal (LPH) yang telah
Pada Tanggal 25-29 Oktober 2023 LPH Global Halal Indonesia mengikuti
Pada Tanggal 19-20 Oktober 2023 telah dilaksanakan bimbingan teknis kehalalan
Telah dilaksanakan Rapat Koordinasi Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal –
Tangerang Selatan, Senin, 4 September 2023, Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal
Proses penyerahan Sertifikat Akreditasi diserahkan langsung kepada Pimpinan Yayasan Global Halal Indonesia yaitu Bpk H. Syamsuddin.
Telah dilaksanakan silaturahmi dengan MUI Propinsi Banten pada tanggal 5 Februari 2023
“O mankind, eat of the lawful and good things found on the earth, and do not follow the steps of the devil. Verily, the devil is a real enemy to you.”
“It is forbidden to you to eat carrion, blood, pork, meat slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, strangled, beaten, gored, and killed by wild animals, except that which you can eat. Allah, the strangled, the beaten, the gored, and the killed by wild animals, except that which you have time to slaughter.”
“... Whoever lives on halal food, his religion shines, his heart is gentle and there is no barrier to his prayers“... and whoever eats subhatic food, his religion is vague and his heart is dark.”... and whoever eats haraam food, his heart becomes dead, his religion is weak, his faith is lacking and Allah closes the door to his prayers and his worship is very small.”